Monday, August 27, 2007

Greasy Hair Be Gone!

Do you have greasy, limp, lifeless hair? Tried harsh shampoos to fix the problem, and no luck? Well then this post is for you!

The secret to non-greasy beautiful hair lies in moisturizing your scalp. Now you may be saying to yourself as you read this "But why the heck would I want to moisturize my scalp if my hair is greasy? Won't that just make the problem worse?". Not so, disbeliever! Similar to the face (read my tips in 'Glamour to go') when the scalp and/or hair close to the scalp is dry, the scalp will start secreting oils to moisture itself. The drier your scalp gets, the worse the problem will be! Which means that you should always follow a shampoo with conditioning. If after starting conditioning again your hair still needs life support, it's time to take it one step further in the conditioning department. Try a deep conditioner, such as C-system hydrating conditioning, by Modern Organic Products. Switch to a milder shampoo, that won't strip your hair of all it's moisture (try C-system hydrating shampoo). Start using a leave-in conditioner. I recommend Pantene Pro V Restoratives Breakage Defense Detangling Leave-in Creme, and Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk-Touch Leave-in Cream. I apply the leave-in cream directly to my scalp first, then massage some throughout my hair, concentrating on the ends. Hair still in need of some TLC? Try a conditioning mask, or a product like V05 hot oil 1-2 times/month.


Anonymous said...

Huh!! That's the first I've heard of moisturising your scalp, and I'm in the beauty industry!! It makes sense though.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.